kzhr's diary

ad ponendum


Five people to whom I'm passing the baton

No one I'm passing to.

Five songs(tunes) I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me

Catherine Warwick "Wisdom Of The World" ("MOTHER") 鈴木慶一『サターンバレーのテーマ』("MOTHER 2") Claude Debbussy "Rêverie" Kiroro『キセキ』(『冬のうた』、Victor) SPEED『Body & Soul』("MOMENT", Toys Factory)

The last CD I bought

Mai Kuraki, Michael Africk "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" (GIZA Studio)

Song playing right now

Louis Philippe "Flying Man" ("MOTHER", Sony Music) Monuque Haas "Suite Bergamasque - Clair de Lune" ("Debussy: Famous Piano Works", Erato) 鈴木慶一『ツーソンのテーマ〜ボーイ・ミーツ・ガール』("MOTHER 2", Sony Music) Dreams Come True『な…

Total volume of music files on my computer


Musical Baton

id:kahusi子よりMusical Batonの來たりけるが、さらにまはすべきぬしもをらねば、躊躇ひけるを、我がことのみを書くもゆるされむと、書くなり。