kzhr's diary

ad ponendum

『人文情報学月報』「Digital Japanese Studies寸見」第71回「DH Awards 2020開催」補遺

今回の月報の連載では、DH Awards 2020について取り上げたが、紙幅のつごうもあり、すべての候補作を取り上げることができなかった。以下では、そののこりを取り上げて補遺としたい。

Best Use of DH for Public Engagement(一般参加)部門では、30件の応募があった。

Best DH Response to COVID-19(COVID-19への応答)部門では、19件の応募があった。ぱっと見ただけでは特徴が分りにくい。稿者の印象にもとづいて、グループ分けをしたので、それで紹介に代える。グループの順序は順不同である。グループ内の順序は、DH Awardsでの紹介順とする。






  • 変体仮名を学ぶ小学生」『日本語文字論の挑戦(仮)』勉誠出版
  • 「明治前期鋳造活字の平仮名書体における濁音表示と仮名字体意識」『年報新人文学』17(2020)



*1:岡田一祐(2021)『近代平仮名体系の成立: 明治期読本と平仮名字体意識』文学通信

Eighteen years with Wikipedia

This is notes for a coming event.

It was a slashdot article that brought it to my attention that has been there ever since. Honestly, it was the second time that I saw it. The first time was a disappeared HotWired Japan's coverage that focused on English Wikipedia (You can read it in Internet Archives from a link in an article for Japanese Wikipedia in Japanese Wikipedia itself). As its headline tells, it was a topic that 1,000 articles were simply counted in the project. Nothing more than that. There were no articles on basic articles at all so that I could ‘create’ an article for Human Being, Islam, etc. I was a junior high school student then, who just passed an entrance exam for high school—meaning that I had a lot of time. The majority of my contributions to Japanese Wikipedia were made during the two years since the encounter: After I retired from administratorship in 2005 for the preparation of university examinations, my contribution to that project became occasionally. However, I am still an admin for two its sister projects, and relate in some way*1. In this sense, Wikipedia is what is being there for me.

I was not active in its community development, not authored single policy or even guideline*2. It was because I was so nervous that I could make a consensus in the community, and what is worse, I was—or has been—so lazy to raise a discussion for a problem. Anyway, I can't remember what was my contribution to the community as a member of the community. I did some translation for the Wikimedia Foundation, who is responsible for the running of the projects. It includes messages for the annual fundraising campaigns, Wikimanias (an annual conference of the Wikimedia projects), and so forth. My first commitment to Wikimedia's fundraising campaign was, If I can recall it correctly, the server crisis of 2004—which led to the creation of the Wikimedia Foundation, I remember[citation needed]*3. As an administrator, I was active in vandalism fighting, what I am doing now in other projects. And I was long a participant to an IRC channel in Freenode, a chat system popular in the geek world, I think. There I talked a lot, including important issues off-wiki (outside of the Wikipedia—the official channel was either on Wikipedia's wiki or the official mailing list). Some called the Freenode channel a cabal, blaming that important issues were discussed and decided informally there. I don't know what they meant.

Personally, I was lucky in that I could be one among pioneers in Japanese Wikipedia. If I join now, I can hardly survive in tons of rules. It sounded brilliant when I saw the idea, "every single person can freely share in the sum of all human knowledge". I wholeheartedly hope that every rule should contribute to this idea, not for short-sighted communities.

*1:Oh, I was among the executive committee in the Wikimedia Conference Japan 2009 event with Ao Komoriuta.

*2:Because it was in the early days, drafting or translating a new policy or guideline was an important commitment to the community development.

*3:As a matter of fact, it appeared not to be an actual cause of the transition to the Foundation from Jimmy Wales' small company. I can't recall why I thought so.

時刻合わせ over Proxy をやってみたけど、date --setGNU dateのオプションのようであるし、wgetはさいきんのMacにはすくなくともデフォルトで入っていない。ということで、macOS Catalina版のメモ。

sudo date -f "%s" "$(curl -s | sed -n 4p | cut -d. -f1)"


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

shのファイルにはsudoはいらないはず? 時刻未指定で1200秒なのは、ネットワークの治安の問題による。








  1. インスタント・ラーメンを茹でるくらいの水をフライパンで沸かす
  2. 1分茹で、裏返して1分茹でる
  3. ざるに空けて湯切りをし、すぐ戻す
  4. 効用は知らないが、麵をフライパンの端に寄せて、ソースを空いたスペースに出し、沸騰するまで待つ
  5. 混ぜる
  6. よそる(ここでふりかけを忘れがちになる)
  7. 食べる
