kzhr's diary

ad ponendum



#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.012; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Cwd; use FindBin; use Data::Dumper; require "$FindBin::Bin/"; my $wd = Cwd::getcwd(); my @directories = clgr::scan_dir($wd); say join ",", 'Mat', 'U+ID', 'Total', 'E…


#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.012; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Cwd; use FindBin; use Data::Dumper; require "$FindBin::Bin/"; my $now = time(); my $wd = Cwd::getcwd(); my @directories = clgr::scan_dir($wd); for my $dir (@director…


#!/usr/bin/python3 # coding: utf-8 # # Usage: Run on the directory just above where the Dataset of PMJT Character Shapes # ( is downloaded # from pathlib import Path from time import time from PIL import …


#!/usr/bin/python #coding: utf-8 import sys from pptx import Presentation if __name__ == '__main__': prs = Presentation(sys.argv[1]) c = 1 for slide in prs.slides: print("# Slide " + str(c)) s = 1 for shape in slide.shapes: if not shape.ha…


正規表現でのメールアドレスチェックは見直すべき – ReDoS – yohgaki's blogを見て,Perl 5だとどうなるんだらうと書いてみた。ちなみに,perl 5.18.2とruby 2.0.0p648。 use strict; use warnings; use feature qw/ say /; use Time::HiRes qw/ time /; for…


Macでも使へるやうにとRegExpなしでやってみたものの,よくわからないエラーで動かなかったので動くのかもよく知らない。もっとすっきり書けるのではと思ふが,VBA初心者すぎてよく分らない。 Option Explicit ' ' Arabic2HanInJa by Kazuhiro Okada ' A mac…