kzhr's diary

ad ponendum


Stir of MSN driving the third parties from MSN Messanger It's a good idea for monopoly or centralization, but you cannot stop chasing convinience, and it'll be a usability degeneration. By the way, as I'm a user of Y!IM, AIM and ICQ, and the softwares …


It has been cool for long days, but today, it's little fine. But I'm busy for next script of the literary club.Tommorow is deadline...I've got to write...


These poems must be but doggerel of transration, and I haven't read English poem...The original of poems are these(in Japanese): 馮虚御流馮虚…虚に委ねて、 御流…流れに乗る [遊ぶ、捨てる、選ぶ、投げる] 「序」我は 風の橋を渡り、雲の島を巡り、…